Top 4 Creative Gard Wedding Portrait Photographers for 2024

页面更新: 1月31st,2024

Wouldn’t you just love to hire a top creative Gard wedding photographer to create artistic portraits on your big day? The Artistic Guild of the Wedding Photojournalist Association is here to help! Wedding photojournalists are, first and foremost, photographers — creative artists, in other words. In the AG contests, WPJA members exhibit their skills at digitally enhanced Gard couple portraits.

Four Artistic Guild contests for Gard wedding portraits are held annually, entered and judged separately from the regular WPJA competitions of moments. After each creative photo contest, we add another collection of award-winning portraits to our member profile galleries.

Want to have a top Gard creative wedding photographer take some unique and artistic portraits? In a portrait (for these purposes), the photographer has staged the couple, the bridal party, or other participants or groups — such as family, friends, or children — on the day of the wedding. One distinguishing feature of portraits is that the subjects are aware of the camera and are maintaining their positions for the sake of the photograph.

Angelique Blaise 的法国婚纱摄影

安吉丽克·布莱斯 (Angelique Blaise) 是一位才华横溢的法国摄影师,通过富有创意的艺术肖像捕捉爱情故事的精髓。她从阿尔代什省汲取灵感,将工程背景与摄影热情融为一体,将风景转化为永恒的婚礼回忆。

由法国 WPJA 的 Julie Verdier 拍摄的 Occitanie 婚纱摄影

Julie Verdier 是一位法国婚礼摄影师,擅长使用自然光拍摄暖色调图像。她擅长使用多种风格捕捉艺术婚礼细节,并为客户创造传统视觉效果。

Johanna Marjoux Hérault Occitanie France 的蒙彼利埃订婚、婚礼和私奔摄影

Johanna Marjoux 是一位摄影师,喜欢捕捉不同地点和时间的情侣。 她喜欢与互相拥抱的顽皮情侣一起工作。 她利用独特的取景技术,创造出迷人的图像,展示美丽的环境。

WPJA POY 奖杯得主 William Lambelet - 婚礼和私奔摄影师

William Lambelet 于 2009 年开始以新闻摄影风格拍摄婚礼。这使他能够以独特的视角捕捉和记录这个特殊日子的各个方面,从最盛大的时刻到最小的细节。 他擅长通过艺术肖像课程创作引人注目的图像,利用自然柔和的灯光,同时融入大胆的设计、图形元素和……