Top 4 Creative Longmont Wedding Portrait Photographers for 2024

页面更新: 1月31st,2024

Wouldn’t you just love to hire a top creative Longmont wedding photographer to create artistic portraits on your big day? The Artistic Guild of the Wedding Photojournalist Association is here to help! Wedding photojournalists are, first and foremost, photographers — creative artists, in other words. In the AG contests, WPJA members exhibit their skills at digitally enhanced Longmont couple portraits.

Four Artistic Guild contests for Longmont wedding portraits are held annually, entered and judged separately from the regular WPJA competitions of moments. After each creative photo contest, we add another collection of award-winning portraits to our member profile galleries.

Want to have a top Longmont creative wedding photographer take some unique and artistic portraits? In a portrait (for these purposes), the photographer has staged the couple, the bridal party, or other participants or groups — such as family, friends, or children — on the day of the wedding. One distinguishing feature of portraits is that the subjects are aware of the camera and are maintaining their positions for the sake of the photograph.

Mike Kory 的冒险私奔和婚礼摄影

Mike Kory 是一位婚礼摄影师,他利用自己的机械工程背景来创作独特而激烈的艺术肖像摄影。 他擅长拍摄夜间照片,并巧妙地利用离机照明和黄昏照明。 他的作品以其对称的取景和让人们在拍摄过程中感到舒适和开怀大笑的能力而闻名。

美国婚礼摄影师 Liam Gordon 的工作肖像

2017 年,利亚姆·戈登 (Liam Gordon) 在年轻时的旧照片中找到灵感后,创立了自己的摄影公司。 他擅长拍摄婚礼当天的肖像,旨在营造平静且引人深思的氛围。 利亚姆的专长在于捕捉情侣之间的亲密时刻,展示他们对彼此的温柔和爱。

订婚、婚礼和私奔摄影师 Lucy Schultz

露西·舒尔茨 (Lucy Schultz) 是一位艺术婚礼摄影师,热衷于引人注目的图像和机外照明技术,擅长以客户珍视的艺术风格捕捉婚礼的精髓。


马特·威尔逊 (Matt Wilson) 是一位来自科罗拉多州的著名婚礼摄影师。 凭借他在街头滑冰、时尚和产品摄影方面的背景,他以独特的视角捕捉情侣在特殊日子的照片。 他在机外照明方面的专业知识以及在黄昏、黄金时段和夜空等各种照明条件下拍摄的技巧,经常在山区度假胜地拍摄出令人惊叹的亲密肖像。