Top 3 Creative Fort Myers Wedding Portrait Photographers for 2024

页面更新: 十月4th,2023

Wouldn’t you just love to hire a top creative Fort Myers wedding photographer to create artistic portraits on your big day? The Artistic Guild of the Wedding Photojournalist Association is here to help! Wedding photojournalists are, first and foremost, photographers — creative artists, in other words. In the AG contests, WPJA members exhibit their skills at digitally enhanced Fort Myers couple portraits.

Four Artistic Guild contests for Fort Myers wedding portraits are held annually, entered and judged separately from the regular WPJA competitions of moments. After each creative photo contest, we add another collection of award-winning portraits to our member profile galleries.

Want to have a top Fort Myers creative wedding photographer take some unique and artistic portraits? In a portrait (for these purposes), the photographer has staged the couple, the bridal party, or other participants or groups — such as family, friends, or children — on the day of the wedding. One distinguishing feature of portraits is that the subjects are aware of the camera and are maintaining their positions for the sake of the photograph.

美国目的地纪实婚纱摄影 由 Taber Lacie 拍摄

Taber Lacie 是一位居住在美国的婚礼摄影师,她为了工作而四处奔走。 在从事摄影之前,她曾担任急救人员,一直对摄影艺术着迷。 Taber 年仅 16 岁就开始从事婚礼行业的职业生涯,擅长为情侣在特殊的日子创作独特且艺术的肖像。 她特别擅长拍摄结婚戒指的细节照片并使用......

Julie Ambos 是佛罗里达州一位自学成才、屡获殊荣的婚礼摄影师,拥有 15 年的经验。 她以其艺术手法和捕捉坦率瞬间的能力而闻名,并提供令人惊叹的新闻摄影风格。 Ambos 擅长机外照明技术,包括夜间拍摄和黄昏照明,以及通过平衡和对称的取景创造引人注目和大胆的构图。

So Many Moments LLC 的 Samantha Moore 的订婚、私奔和婚纱摄影

萨曼莎·摩尔 (Samantha Moore) 是一位经验丰富的婚礼摄影师,擅长拍摄充满艺术感和活力的肖像。凭借对爱和细节的敏锐洞察力,她热衷于记录婚礼,用她的工作为新人带来欢乐。