



婚礼摄影师 卡里北,被授予 2 照片的地方 77096 ,在 孩子(成为孩子) WPJA的类别 2008 Q4.

WPJA 竞赛评委向加拿大安大略省婚礼摄影师 Karri North 颁发了大师作品奖,以表彰业内顶级婚礼摄影新闻。

世界领先的纪实婚礼摄影师将他们最好的照片提交给 Wedding Photojournalist Association的摄影比赛。 他们希望他们的婚礼报道照片由新闻行业中一些最著名和最受尊敬的工作图片编辑和摄影记者进行评估和选择(这些不是婚礼摄影师或其他 WPJA 成员评判他们的工作)。 赢得这些比赛对于婚礼摄影师来说是一项真正的成就。


  • This is true, kids do this. It is not only a nice behind the scenes picture of a bride getting dressed, but also great moment of kids reacting to the bride in her underwear.
  • Now that's access. And, I might add, invisibility. The photographer is nowhere to be seen in this photograph. Beautiful light (in a tough situation), framing (of the bride's face in the picture frame), moment and even color (mixed) all somehow work together. The bridesmaids in the background also add an interesting bit of storytelling as they rush around to take care of their responsibilities.
