

Aurel Virlan


婚礼摄影师 Aurel Virlan,被授予 11日 照片的地方 214691 ,在 其他供应商 WPJA的类别 2009 Q3.

WPJA比赛评委向罗马尼亚布加勒斯特的婚礼摄影师Aurel Virlan颁发了此大师奖,以表彰该行业顶级婚礼摄影新闻。

世界领先的纪实婚礼摄影师将他们最好的照片提交给 Wedding Photojournalist Association的摄影比赛。 他们希望他们的婚礼报道照片由新闻行业中一些最著名和最受尊敬的工作图片编辑和摄影记者进行评估和选择(这些不是婚礼摄影师或其他 WPJA 成员评判他们的工作)。 赢得这些比赛对于婚礼摄影师来说是一项真正的成就。


It was a foggy morning on the beach in front of the hotel where the wedding took place. Detached from the rush of the previous night, I went out with the bride and groom for a photo session. I invited the groom to sit comfortably on the lounge chair. I asked them to throw their shoes on the sand. The bride came up with the idea to lie down directly on the sand. Feeling the potential of the fog that I wanted to take advantage of, I stepped back a little and lay on the sand to have a better perspective and a lower depth of field. I grabbed my 70-200mm objective and chose an open aperture. From the corner of my eye I saw the waitress bringing them a bottle of Champagne, ordered by one of the groom’s friends, who was following the whole scene from the hotel’s window. I felt there was no time for words and just started shooting frame after frame, crawling on the sand so that I could catch the right composition and framing.


  • This has a nice timeless feel to it. The scene is natural as the bride and groom relax on the beach to sip champagne.
